Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

The consultation of the Interim Devon Carbon Plan is now live! The plan is a collaborative roadmap to creating a net-zero Devon where people and nature thrive and is Devon’s response to the global climate emergency,

The time has now come for your chance to offer further thoughts and feedback. You are asked to take part in the Interim Devon Carbon Plan consultation, which lasts for 10 weeks until 15th Feb 2020.

Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) partnership wants to hear your views on key actions which outline some of the transformational changes which are required to create a thriving net-zero Devon.

You can also get involved in a series of Webinars looking at different aspects of the plan.

You can download the Webinar poster here and register for Webinars here.

The Interim Devon Carbon Plan will be updated to a final plan after the Citizens’ Assembly, now in 2021 due to Covid-19.

The actions cover a broad range of topics which will allow us to build back better. Addressing the climate and ecological emergency is an opportunity to create a fairer, healthier, more resilient and prosperous society.

DCE is requesting feedback from Devon’s citizens to indicate to what extent they agree with the proposed actions.

Have your say at or request a paper copy and consultation questionnaire from your local library from January 1st.

You can download a copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ poster here.

Are you looking for a role where you can make a real difference to the community and the planet?

We’re recruiting for a Project Coordinator to join our team.

We have a very exciting opportunity for a highly motivated self-employed person to join our team, but the catch is that you must start as a volunteer and secure funding for your own post. The post is then open for you to develop as you wish in accordance with our Aims and at the approval of our Board and Team. Hours are negotiable and can be on a part-time basis.

We have several projects underway for which we’d like some delivery support.

These include innovating to influence energy use through open data, developing a community owned renewable heating scheme, securing funding for fuel poverty projects, developing a retrofit advice programme, looking at opportunities to expand TEC’s renewable energy portfolio, developing community centred housing development and responding to relevant consultations.

Find out more by downloading the job spec here.

The closing date is 21st Dec 2020. Phone or zoom interviews will take place w/c 4th January 2021. The successful applicant will be notified by 18th January 2021, to start as soon as possible.

We are also, always, happy to hear from professionals/students in the community who want to get involved and/or gain experience in any of our projects or in helping us run the organisation (e.g. marketing, social media, website, finance, links to education).

Community Solar Share Offer

On Sept 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we launched our community share offer to raise £290,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

On Oct 27th, due to the overwhelming interest in our share offer, the TEC Directors have agreed with our loan provider, the Low Carbon Society, that we can repay a further £32,000 of our loan. This additional repayment will reduce our ongoing interest payments and leave a loan balance at the end of Oct 2020 of £10,000.

This will bring the total Community Solar Share Offer sum to be raised to £322,000.

The share offer has been re-opened this afternoon. We anticipate that the additional opportunity may be subscribed for quickly.

The extended offer will be publicised nationally from Thursday morning if not fully subscribed; and the share offer will close by Saturday October 31st.

To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more as soon as possible.  

The offer aims to raise £332,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area.   

The share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.  

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.  

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.   It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.
“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.
We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.
Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

Let’s localise energy

Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

On Sept 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we’ve launched our community share offer to raise £290,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

There is a lot of interest in community investments at the moment, and this share offer will be marketed nationally from 28th September.To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more between now and the 28th September.

The offer aims to raise £290,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area. 

Launched today, the share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK

homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.

It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.

We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.

Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

Let’s localise energy

Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

On Sept. 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we launched our community share offer to raise £336,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

There is a lot of interest in community investments at the moment, and this share offer will be marketed nationally from 28th September. To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more between now and the 28th September.

The offer aims to raise £336,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area. 

Launched today, the share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK

homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.

It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.

We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.

Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

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Let’s localise energy
Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

A Helping Hand for Cold Homes

A Helping Hand for Cold Homes

Eligible residents, who are living without gas heating, are being offered the opportunity to benefit from free gas central heating for your home from West Devon Borough Council (WDBC).

The funding for Borough residents was gained last year from the Warm Home Fund and it is still available. WDBC and Tamar Energy Community (TEC) would really like to see eligible residents applying as soon as possible. The scheme is called Cosy and Warm.

Funding for a first time gas central heating system under this scheme comes from the Warm Home Fund and further funding from the Council together with contributions from SSE Energy Solution’s ECO fund (they are project managing the scheme) and Wales and West Utilities who manage the gas network. Wales and West will contribute by connecting properties to the gas network.

The Council would like to hear from residents who are struggling to pay heating bills and living in a cold home without a central heating system, but living close to the gas main.

Applications are welcome from owner occupiers and from the private rental sector, for households who do not have any central heating system (there is a £500 charge for landlords). Eligibility is dependent on the heating within the home, distance to the gas network and household income (homeowners or tenants must be under the household income threshold of £35,000 p.a.).

If you’re concerned aboout your heating and not sure if you qualify you can find out more here from WDBC. If you’d like to have a chat to someone about your energy needs and whether you may be eligible you can also call us at TEC on 0800-233-5414, email or check out this our web page.

Cold Calling Concerns, Home Energy Efficiency and Green Homes Grant

There are a growing number of reports of businesses claiming to represent West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) knocking on doors and offering home energy improvements. WDBC will never cold call.

One reason may be recent Government announcements about home improvements vouchers.

Our advice is that if any company cold calls or if they claim they work for ‘the council’ do not engage with them or allow them into your home.

The Green Homes Grant (voucher) scheme details are not yet clear. If you are interested in the scheme, we are inviting you to register your interest with us at Tamar Energy Community (TEC), and we will keep you informed. Working with our community energy colleagues and local authorities across Devon we will be putting together information. We plan to hold a webinar to share details and answer questions you may have. Check this link for more information.

We would also encourage anyone with concerns about your energy bills and/or keeping warm this winter to take steps early, before the weather starts to get cold. At TEC we offer free independent advice and support through our Warm and Well service We can also advise on the potential availability of grants for home energy measures. Find out more here.

Green Homes Grants

The Government has announced a £2bn investment in ‘Green Homes Grants’ to help private householders make their homes more thermally efficient and reduce bills.

The details of the scheme are still very unclear, and although it is due to start in September 2020, a launch date is still to be announced.

At Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we see a role in providing advice to householders, but do not forsee TEC being part of the delivery supply chain. We would advice any customers interested in this offer to register their interest with us here.

TEC will be working, together with other community energy groups across Devon, to better understand the scheme, application processes and related administration, and the accredited suppliers able to deliver the measures in your home.

As soon as TEC has enough information to provide further guidance we will be in touch and we will contact you to let you know when applications open.

These schemes can be complicated and we will not be able to provide one to one advice to every interested household across our area. In order to give you the information you need, we intend to organise one, or several, online meeting(s) to provide guidance in an accessible format.

Lockdown Interview by Links Magazines – Tamar Energy Community tells us about saving money

Lockdown Interview by Links Magazines – Tamar Energy Community tells us about saving money

We’d like to thank Tim Randall from Links Magazines for his time and attention in inviting Tamar Energy Community (TEC) to participate in Links Magazines series of Localdown Interviews.

Thanks also to Andy Coulson from our TEC team being up for the Zoom Lockdown interview.

Listen and watch here to find out more about:

  • how we, at TEC, have adapted our services to enable us to continue to work with you.
  • top tips for making your home energy efficient and the importance of taking time NOW to prepare for winter energy costs
  • our community energy projects designed to develop and generate energy locally and plough the profits back into the community
  • our forthcoming Community Share Offer
  • a welcome to anyone across the area with an interest in localising energy, particularly anyone with engineering, educational, social media or finance skills to get more involved. 

If you would like to get in touch you can email ( or give us a ring – 0800-233-5414.



Climate Emergency into Positive Action – Fri. 6th March 2020

Climate Emergency into Positive Action – Fri. 6th March 2020

When: Fri Mar 6th, 18:30 for 19:00

Where: Lower Deck Cafe, United Reforned Church, Russell Street, Tavistock. PL19 8BD

We had a great evening with 50 attendees. Thanks everyone for joining us and very many thanks to Blue Skies Catering for the wonderful vegan Jambalaya which we all enjoyed.

TEC AGM: Ran from 19:00 to 19:30. Minutes will be available in April 20

The event: Thanks to our speakers for the informative presentations and for the lively and positive discussions. We will share a summary and the presentations soon including:

  • Art and Energy – building community support – with Jenny Ayrton (Art & Energy CIC)
  • What’s West Devon Borough Council doing? How can we help? – Cllr. Neil Jory (Leader, WDBC)
  • Let’s hear from Tavistock Town Council – Lesley Crawford (TTC)
  • Communities and the smart energy revolution- Ky Hoare, Regen
  • The future of 21st century housing – fit for the future – Kate Royston (Tamar Energy Community)
  • Our Community Share Offer launching soon – TEC
  • What can I do? – All

The participation: We had a number of participatory activities including a “What can I do” board. We’ll be publishing this very soon.

Read more about the event and the topics here