Retrofit Made Easy

Retrofitting – its about doing things to improve existing homes and buildings to make them as energy efficient as possible.

We offer impartial advice on reducing the environmental impact of your home.


If you would like to have a chat, or a free impartial Retrofit Advice Visit, please give us a get in touch via our on-line form here: or give us a ring on 0800-233-5414. You can also email

A good place to start is to watch the animation from the Stoke Climsland Carbon Zero Homes project. You can find it here:

We hope you enjoy it.

Another valuable resource is the ‘Devon Retrofit Guide’. You can find it here:

As part of our Autumn programme in 2024 we have two events you may find of interest. Come along and see us:

Okehampton Energy Fest

  • Sat. Oct 26th 2024 from 10:00 to 15:00
  • Charter Hall – Okehampton

Tamar Energy Fest

  • Sat. Nov 9th 2024 from 10:00 to 15:00
  • Butchers’ Hall – Tavistock

More about our Exhibitors

New Generation Energy – Renewable Energy Solutions

Designing, supplying, installing and maintaining bespoke renewable energy systems for the past nine years with an emphasis on customer satisfaction and an ethos of ongoing support and maintenance for our current and future client base.

Established in 2007 by Andrew Metcalf and based in the South West we have installed hundreds of renewable systems, from small photovoltaic arrays to large commercial biomass boilers and are MCS accredited for all our technologies.

Lendology cicLending decisions for people, by people

Lendology CIC disrupt traditional lending with our decisions powered by partnerships and people, enriching homes, and lives through affordable finance. 

Working in partnership with West Devon Borough Council, we lend council funds to homeowners for home repairs, improvements, renewable energy measures and to improve the energy efficiency of homes. 

Unlike other mainstream lenders, Lendology doesn’t use algorithms or credit scores. People make lending decisions for people.  They believe that everyone should have access to a home that is safe, warm, and suitable for their individual needs and works across the community to enable this, reduce fuel poverty and establish the link between health and homes.  If you are worried about the rising cost of energy, we recommend taking action now to ensure your central heating is working and that your home is as energy efficient as possible.

Lendology will be available until 14:00 on Sat. 12th November.

Lovely Savings – A Utility Warehouse Partner

Lovely Savings, a Discount Club helping families and small businesses save money on their essentials

Devon Wildlife Trust – Protecting wildlife for the future

Devon Wildlife Trust logo

Established over fifty years ago by a small group of volunteers, Devon Wildlife Trust is the only charity that exists to protect all wildlife in Devon and to safeguard Devon’s unique natural environment.

NEA – National Energy Action – Action for Warm Homes

From October, with the government’s price freeze in effect, National Energy Action predicts 6.7 million UK households will be in fuel poverty. It means they cannot afford to live in a warm, dry  and safe home. National Energy Action is the national charity working to end fuel poverty in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Find out more about the challenge we face, the difference we make, and the difference you can make.

Transition Tavistock – Working towards a sustainable future for Tavistock and District

Local travel as it could be?

Our meetings share views on how easy it is to use sustainable transport around the Tavistock area and to nearby towns – and ideas on how it could be better and more inclusive. Frequent, well-connected public transport in all directions; easy to walk, use a wheelchair or cycle to reach facilities; leading rather than lagging in the shift to low emission vehicles for both personal and business travel? What changes would you make?

We’re keen to involve individuals, groups and businesses who want to shape this vision for mobility, influence decisions and encourage low-carbon travel habits. Whether your concern is potholed pavements or diesel fumes, cycle safety or bus routes, get in touch on

Tavistock Neighbourhood Plan

Have your say on the future of the parish of Tavistock

A Neighbourhood Development Plan gives the residents of Tavistock and surrounding areas a say on how the community develops, how land will be used and how we can protect what’s important to us. We can address topics like affordable housing, community infrastructure, protecting green spaces and more.

Our autumn energy advice and retrofit programme

Are you interested in energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of your home or business?

Come along to one of our events and have a chat …

You may be thinking about options for saving energy and improving the energy efficiency of your home (retrofitting), but not sure where to start.

Here at Tamar Energy Community we’d like to see what we can do to help. We’ve arranged a number of events to meet you and have a chat, with information stands to browse.

We’re kicking off in Great Big Green Week with an information display in Tavistock Library, available from Sat. 24th September through to Sat. 1st October. You can also find us on the 24th Sept at Tavistock Farmers Market (tbc) and the Okehampton Coffee Morning.

We’re going online on Fri. 30th Sep (19:00) with a discussion about retrofitting your home (or business) in practice. You can book via Eventbrite. Here’s the link:

Our first Energy and Retrofit Fair in Okehampton will be at the Ockment Centre on Sat. 22nd October (10:00-14:00). You can find out more here: ; and our annual Tamar Energy Fest will be at Butchers’ Hall in Tavistock on Sat. 12th November (10:00-15:00). You can find out more here:

Do come along!

If you would like to host our information display in a community space local to you, get in touch and we’ll see what we can arrange. Email

Tamar Energy Fest 2021 on Sat. Nov 13th

Tamar Energy Fest 2021 on Sat. Nov 13th

This year’s Tamar Energy Fest will be held on Saturday Nov. 13th in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock.

The event is on the last day of the COP26 climate conference, so we feel its apt to embrace its theme of ‘Together for Our Planet’.

Find out more here.

If you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you.

We’re keen to hear from exhibitors able to share advice and support to for our journey’s towards low/zero carbon healthy homes, businesses etc. and/or support low/zero carbon lives.

We’d also love to hear from you if you’d like to help us organise and run the event and/or work with us in other ways.

You can download a Booking Form here as a word doc or here as a pdf.

If you have any questions or you’re able to get involved please email 

Retrofitting your Home. What’s it all about?

Retrofitting your Home. What’s it all about?

We’re being encouraged to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. What does this mean for me in practice?

We held a Zoom talk in late September to discuss the topic and to learn more about the practicalities of retrofitting your home, and the importance of taking a whole house approach.

You can download the presentation here.

We’re working with Devon County Council and our Community Energy colleagues across Devon to launch a Retrofit Service for Devon in spring 2022. This will provide a ‘one front door’ approach for retrofit advice and support.

If you’d like to know more, please drop us an email to

It would also be helpful if you could take a few minutes to complete this Retrofit Devon householder survey to help us understand more about about what the levels of interest in retrofit across the county. You can find it here: Retrofit Devon householder survey (

Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

The consultation of the Interim Devon Carbon Plan is now live! The plan is a collaborative roadmap to creating a net-zero Devon where people and nature thrive and is Devon’s response to the global climate emergency,

The time has now come for your chance to offer further thoughts and feedback. You are asked to take part in the Interim Devon Carbon Plan consultation, which lasts for 10 weeks until 15th Feb 2020.

Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) partnership wants to hear your views on key actions which outline some of the transformational changes which are required to create a thriving net-zero Devon.

You can also get involved in a series of Webinars looking at different aspects of the plan.

You can download the Webinar poster here and register for Webinars here.

The Interim Devon Carbon Plan will be updated to a final plan after the Citizens’ Assembly, now in 2021 due to Covid-19.

The actions cover a broad range of topics which will allow us to build back better. Addressing the climate and ecological emergency is an opportunity to create a fairer, healthier, more resilient and prosperous society.

DCE is requesting feedback from Devon’s citizens to indicate to what extent they agree with the proposed actions.

Have your say at or request a paper copy and consultation questionnaire from your local library from January 1st.

You can download a copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ poster here.

Community Solar Share Offer

On Sept 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we launched our community share offer to raise £290,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

On Oct 27th, due to the overwhelming interest in our share offer, the TEC Directors have agreed with our loan provider, the Low Carbon Society, that we can repay a further £32,000 of our loan. This additional repayment will reduce our ongoing interest payments and leave a loan balance at the end of Oct 2020 of £10,000.

This will bring the total Community Solar Share Offer sum to be raised to £322,000.

The share offer has been re-opened this afternoon. We anticipate that the additional opportunity may be subscribed for quickly.

The extended offer will be publicised nationally from Thursday morning if not fully subscribed; and the share offer will close by Saturday October 31st.

To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more as soon as possible.  

The offer aims to raise £332,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area.   

The share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.  

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.  

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.   It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.
“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.
We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.
Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

Let’s localise energy

Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

On Sept 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we’ve launched our community share offer to raise £290,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

There is a lot of interest in community investments at the moment, and this share offer will be marketed nationally from 28th September.To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more between now and the 28th September.

The offer aims to raise £290,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area. 

Launched today, the share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK

homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.

It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.

We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.

Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

Let’s localise energy

Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

We’re excited! Our Community Solar Share is now open

On Sept. 14th at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) we launched our community share offer to raise £336,000 from the community to support our ‘Solar Roofs’ portfolio of renewable energy installations across the Tamar Valley.

There is a lot of interest in community investments at the moment, and this share offer will be marketed nationally from 28th September. To enable as much benefit as possible to be retained locally, anyone with an interest is encouraged to find out more between now and the 28th September.

The offer aims to raise £336,000 by 31 Oct 2020 to support TEC’s existing portfolio of community-owned rooftop solar arrays. These Solar Roofs are generating green energy from the sun, in and around the Tamar Valley. Any excess income is transferred to TEC’s community benefit fund which is used to help address energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the area. 

Launched today, the share offer provides an opportunity for co-ownership of the Solar Roofs portfolio, and receiving a fair return for your investment. You can find out more here or click on the image below.

From just £250 local people can support community-owned, low-carbon energy generation whilst targeting a financial return of up to 5%, subject to the risks set out in solar share offer document available here.

In 2016 and 2017, TEC installed six arrays of solar PV panels on the roofs of local schools and businesses in the area. These Solar Roofs generate over 250,000kWh of solar electricity per year – the equivalent to the annual energy demand of around 70 average UK

homes. What’s more, the electricity generated by the Solar Roofs is expected to displace over 230 tonnes of CO2 per year. 

Surplus income from the solar energy generated from the installations is reinvested into the community, through TEC’s community benefit fund.  This funding helps the disadvantaged in their community to tackle fuel poverty through energy efficiency and clean renewable energy initiatives.

It’s expected this surplus income will be over £200,000 in total over the next 18 years, with a projected minimum of £5,000 per year. TEC’s first round of community grants has already been deployed to local Energy Hardship Funds to provide support to households during the COVID-19 crisis.

“Our community solar has enabled us to save 50 tonnes of CO₂ to date and provides an everyday example within the school of the benefits of renewable energy. We work with our pupils to encourage them to save energy and have a thriving Eco Committee.

We’ve been able to invest the savings on our energy bills into other areas of the school.”
“The community benefit contribution to our Hardship Fund is particularly welcome at this time”
Pete Hamlyn, Headteacher, Carbeile Junior School, Torpoint.

Funds raised via the share offer will repay some of the existing loan funding that was secured to fund initial installation costs of the solar panels. Investors will be granted membership of TEC, giving them the opportunity to get involved in shareholder voting and having a say in the future running of the community.

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Let’s localise energy
Power from the sun for a greener planet and local community benefit

Tavistock & District Local Economic Blueprint

Tavistock & District Local Economic Blueprint

The Tavistock and District Local Economic Blueprint (LEB) was launched at the Tavistock Chamber Business Show on Friday, 6th November 2015.

Its aim was to provide a supported three year plan to help strengthen our local communities, stimulate jobs and enterprise and enable increasing proportions of our needs to be fulfilled through local supply chains.

The LEB covers local food, local energy generation and domestic retrofit.

The Blueprint looks at how far the £120m spent each year in and around Tavistock on food and energy benefits the local economy, and what opportunities there are for these sectors to deliver more for our future health, wellbeing, resilience and prosperity.

The Blueprint reports and other information can be found here on the Transition Tavistock website; or you can download the Energy report here.

We believe these reports and the information and recommended actions within them could provide valuable insight as we look to Build Back Better.

About the LEB area included

The report focuses on the Southern Link parishes around, and including, Tavistock, but our conclusions and recommendations have wider relevance across West Devon and beyond.

Population: 32,200 (PPSA estimates, West Devon 2012) Households: 13,481 (2011 Census Data)