Our autumn energy advice and retrofit programme

Are you interested in energy saving and improving the energy efficiency of your home or business?

Come along to one of our events and have a chat …

You may be thinking about options for saving energy and improving the energy efficiency of your home (retrofitting), but not sure where to start.

Here at Tamar Energy Community we’d like to see what we can do to help. We’ve arranged a number of events to meet you and have a chat, with information stands to browse.

We’re kicking off in Great Big Green Week with an information display in Tavistock Library, available from Sat. 24th September through to Sat. 1st October. You can also find us on the 24th Sept at Tavistock Farmers Market (tbc) and the Okehampton Coffee Morning.

We’re going online on Fri. 30th Sep (19:00) with a discussion about retrofitting your home (or business) in practice. You can book via Eventbrite. Here’s the link: https://Retrofitting-Your-Home-In-Practice-Sep22.eventbrite.co.uk

Our first Energy and Retrofit Fair in Okehampton will be at the Ockment Centre on Sat. 22nd October (10:00-14:00). You can find out more here: https://tamarenergycommunity.com/okehampton-retrofit-and-energy-fair-2022/ ; and our annual Tamar Energy Fest will be at Butchers’ Hall in Tavistock on Sat. 12th November (10:00-15:00). You can find out more here: https://tamarenergycommunity.com/tamar-energy-fest-2022/

Do come along!

If you would like to host our information display in a community space local to you, get in touch and we’ll see what we can arrange. Email hello@tamarenergycommunity.com.

Preparing for 1st April energy price increase

The energy price increases are affecting all of us and are having the greatest impact on those for whom energy costs form a greater proportion of their income.

As the 1st April 2022 approaches, and the new prices kick in, there are a couple of things to consider:

Not on a smart meter? Have you given your energy supplier an actual meter reading recently? If not, make sure you send them a meter reading on or before the 31st March. This will ensure that any usage is charged at the old rate. Otherwise you may end up paying more.

On a ‘non-smart’ pre-payment meter? The rates on your meter shouldn’t increase until you add more credit. This means that if you add additional money on to your meter on or before 31st March 2022 this will charge your use at the old rate until you top up again. Remember that the units will be ‘re-priced’ on your meter when you top up after 1st April, even if you still have credit.

We understand that this won’t work if your supplier is Scottish Power.

Martin Lewis’s Money Saving Expert website explains this well. You can find the link here.

Concerned about ability to pay? If you’re concerned about how you’re going to be able to pay your energy bills, or if you’ve built up a debt, its really important to contact your energy supplier, let them know, and ask them to work with you to find an affordable solution. The energy companies are obliged, under Ofgem regulations, to take affordability into account.

Reducing your energy usage. For those of us in a position where we could use less, this is worth considering. The amount of energy consumed, particularly during peak periods, puts pressure on energy supply and on the prices. This is particularly true in the period between 16:00 and 20:00 each day. Try less energy intensive methods of cooking food such as microwaves (reduced cooking times) and slow cooking (much lower power use over a longer period).

If you’re interested in understanding how to use a slow cooker get in touch. We’re working with Learn Devon to put on more courses.

If you are struggling, and need help with your energy management, do call or email us at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) on 0800-233-5414 or hello@tamarenergycommunity.com. We also have an online request form here: https://tamarenergycommunity.com/request-support/

‘One Pot Wonder’ Slow Cooker Course available – save money on your cooking

Save energy and money through using a slow cooker.

Sign up to Learn Devon’s ‘One Pot Wonder’ slow cooker course. Learn more about cooking nutritious meals for the family with the provision of a free slow cooker for each family who attends a course.

The first course starts on Monday 14th March at Alexandra Centre, Tavistock from 11:30 to 13:30 with the second and final session on Monday 21st March at the same time and place. Book by Weds. 9th March 2022, to secure your place.

The other sessions and locations are as follows:

Bere Alston at the Parish Hall 13.30 – 15.15 on Friday 18 March and Friday 25 March 

Princetown at the Community Centre 13.30 – 15.15 on Thursday 24 March and Thursday 31 March

Tavistock at the Alexander Centre 11.30 – 13.30 on Monday 4 April and Monday 11 April

Lifton at the Community Hall 11.30 – 13.30 on Tuesday 12 July and Tuesday 19 July.

To secure your place please contact Learn Devon at 01822 613701, text 0781 697 3926 or email tavistock@learndevon.co.uk.

Please let others know who may be interested.

Tamar Energy Fest 2021 on Sat. Nov 13th

Tamar Energy Fest 2021 on Sat. Nov 13th

This year’s Tamar Energy Fest will be held on Saturday Nov. 13th in Butchers’ Hall, Tavistock.

The event is on the last day of the COP26 climate conference, so we feel its apt to embrace its theme of ‘Together for Our Planet’.

Find out more here.

If you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you.

We’re keen to hear from exhibitors able to share advice and support to for our journey’s towards low/zero carbon healthy homes, businesses etc. and/or support low/zero carbon lives.

We’d also love to hear from you if you’d like to help us organise and run the event and/or work with us in other ways.

You can download a Booking Form here as a word doc or here as a pdf.

If you have any questions or you’re able to get involved please email hello@tamarenergycommunity.com. 

Retrofitting your Home. What’s it all about?

Retrofitting your Home. What’s it all about?

We’re being encouraged to improve the energy efficiency of our homes. What does this mean for me in practice?

We held a Zoom talk in late September to discuss the topic and to learn more about the practicalities of retrofitting your home, and the importance of taking a whole house approach.

You can download the presentation here.

We’re working with Devon County Council and our Community Energy colleagues across Devon to launch a Retrofit Service for Devon in spring 2022. This will provide a ‘one front door’ approach for retrofit advice and support.

If you’d like to know more, please drop us an email to hello@tamarenergycommunity.com.

It would also be helpful if you could take a few minutes to complete this Retrofit Devon householder survey to help us understand more about about what the levels of interest in retrofit across the county. You can find it here: Retrofit Devon householder survey (typeform.com).

Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

Interim Devon Carbon Plan is published – please have your say

The consultation of the Interim Devon Carbon Plan is now live! The plan is a collaborative roadmap to creating a net-zero Devon where people and nature thrive and is Devon’s response to the global climate emergency,

The time has now come for your chance to offer further thoughts and feedback. You are asked to take part in the Interim Devon Carbon Plan consultation, which lasts for 10 weeks until 15th Feb 2020.

Devon Climate Emergency (DCE) partnership wants to hear your views on key actions which outline some of the transformational changes which are required to create a thriving net-zero Devon.

You can also get involved in a series of Webinars looking at different aspects of the plan.

You can download the Webinar poster here and register for Webinars here.

The Interim Devon Carbon Plan will be updated to a final plan after the Citizens’ Assembly, now in 2021 due to Covid-19.

The actions cover a broad range of topics which will allow us to build back better. Addressing the climate and ecological emergency is an opportunity to create a fairer, healthier, more resilient and prosperous society.

DCE is requesting feedback from Devon’s citizens to indicate to what extent they agree with the proposed actions.

Have your say at www.devonclimateemergency.org.uk/interimcarbonplan or request a paper copy and consultation questionnaire from your local library from January 1st.

You can download a copy of the ‘Have Your Say’ poster here.

Cosy and Warm Gas Central Heating Project

West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) has obtained funding for 118 new gas central heating systems in eligible homes, which will improve both their comfort and lower energy consumption.  The funds coming from the Warm Home Fund, Wales and West Utilities (they operate the gas network) and SSE will pay for a gas connection and a standard central gas heating system, at no cost to the householder.  Insulation will also be assessed and (when needed) offered to maximise energy efficiency. 

WDBC welcomes applications from both owner-occupiers and people who rent privately.  Eligible households (means-tested benefits or net annual income of £35000 and vulnerable to the cold) will need to have no formalised heating, electrical or solid fuel and close to the gas main to qualify.  Properties with a gas connection and gas fires may also be eligible. 

Landlords will be asked for a £500 contribution. The property must have an Energy Performance Certificate rating of E or above. Please contact WDBC or email eco@swdevon.gov.uk to see if you are eligible. 

You can apply online here.

Even if you feel you are not eligible there is alternative help, so please make contact. 

WDBC’s  Icon for pdf Cosy and Warm Privacy Notice [330.48KB] sets out what WDBC will do with your information and who they will share it with.

If you’d like to have a chat to someone about your energy needs and whether you may be eligible you can also call us at here at TEC on 0800-233-5414, email hello@tamarenergycommunity.com or check out this page.

A Helping Hand for Cold Homes

A Helping Hand for Cold Homes

Eligible residents, who are living without gas heating, are being offered the opportunity to benefit from free gas central heating for your home from West Devon Borough Council (WDBC).

The funding for Borough residents was gained last year from the Warm Home Fund and it is still available. WDBC and Tamar Energy Community (TEC) would really like to see eligible residents applying as soon as possible. The scheme is called Cosy and Warm.

Funding for a first time gas central heating system under this scheme comes from the Warm Home Fund and further funding from the Council together with contributions from SSE Energy Solution’s ECO fund (they are project managing the scheme) and Wales and West Utilities who manage the gas network. Wales and West will contribute by connecting properties to the gas network.

The Council would like to hear from residents who are struggling to pay heating bills and living in a cold home without a central heating system, but living close to the gas main.

Applications are welcome from owner occupiers and from the private rental sector, for households who do not have any central heating system (there is a £500 charge for landlords). Eligibility is dependent on the heating within the home, distance to the gas network and household income (homeowners or tenants must be under the household income threshold of £35,000 p.a.).

If you’re concerned aboout your heating and not sure if you qualify you can find out more here from WDBC. If you’d like to have a chat to someone about your energy needs and whether you may be eligible you can also call us at TEC on 0800-233-5414, email hello@tamarenergycommunity.com or check out this our web page.

Cold Calling Concerns, Home Energy Efficiency and Green Homes Grant

There are a growing number of reports of businesses claiming to represent West Devon Borough Council (WDBC) knocking on doors and offering home energy improvements. WDBC will never cold call.

One reason may be recent Government announcements about home improvements vouchers.

Our advice is that if any company cold calls or if they claim they work for ‘the council’ do not engage with them or allow them into your home.

The Green Homes Grant (voucher) scheme details are not yet clear. If you are interested in the scheme, we are inviting you to register your interest with us at Tamar Energy Community (TEC), and we will keep you informed. Working with our community energy colleagues and local authorities across Devon we will be putting together information. We plan to hold a webinar to share details and answer questions you may have. Check this link for more information.

We would also encourage anyone with concerns about your energy bills and/or keeping warm this winter to take steps early, before the weather starts to get cold. At TEC we offer free independent advice and support through our Warm and Well service We can also advise on the potential availability of grants for home energy measures. Find out more here.